Gen-Zs At Workplaces: Are We Burnt Out Or Expecting Too Much?

The Past Vs The Present

Kim Kardashian’s famous statement “it seems like nobody wants to work these days” could summarise the general view of Gen-Z at work.

The younger generation is more prone to be labelled as lazy, ungrateful & lacking ambition than any other age range. In the context of the “Great Resignation”, several people quit their jobs for reasons such as slow wage growth, limited advancements & hostile environments.

Interestingly enough, workers just a few years ago would likely have never dreamed of leaving their jobs mid-crisis. So, what has changed?

Popular Hustle Culture

On the whole, the standard of work quality has improved. We are often provided more flexible hours, have smarter tools & better offices.

That being said, young people still feel an immense amount of pressure at the workplace. It’s trendy to work overtime, it’s trendy to have side hustles & it’s trendy to grind it out.

Hustling can make you feel important. With people like Elon Musk saying that “nobody changed the world on 40 hours a week” for millions of people to read, it’s easy to see why Gen-Zs feel like they’re never doing enough.

They're Not Living To Work

Instead of giving in to that motto, many have taken the opposite route by working to live & not living to work. A lot have given up on their employer-oriented identity & don’t strive for advanced job titles with no other benefits.

With all the information that can be found online, people can make more informed choices that suit them & not
their employer.

The general Gen-Z attitude makes sense when the majority of them could work their 9 to 5’s for years to come & still won’t be able to afford their own homes in this market.

We All Deserve Better

Still, Gen-Zs can’t be considered lazy. In a 2022 US survey, 60% of teens expressed their desire to start their own businesses.

This statistic hints that the younger generation doesn't have a problem with working per se, but instead prefers to take ownership of their roles to promote their ethics & to prevent burnout. At first glance, this dream could sound idealistic, but what’s wrong with striving for it?

Young people are known for pushing the envelope - they’re innovative, not spoilt. After all, don’t we all want
more fulfilling work?

Are Gen-Zs Spoilt Or Are We After Something Better?

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