Men’s Mental Health: Seeking Help Is Not A Sign Of Weakness

Some Of The Statistics

It was recently revealed that 80% of people who took their own life in Malta over the last 6 years were men, & this disproportionate amount is very worrying.

This finding lines up with what the rest of the world is experiencing. Studies have shown that globally, suicide rates in men are just over twice as high as for women. Suicide is also one of the leading causes of dead worldwide, with 703,000 people dying each year.

Let’s not forget that behind these statistics & numbers, there are people with families & loved ones that have experienced indescribable tragedies in their lives.

Presence Of Toxic Masculinity

While mental health awareness has grown in recent years, these findings make us question why there’s such a large gap between men & women.

Some could say that the reasons link back to the toxic masculinity that is still heavily present in our society. This has to do with harmful stereotypes that put pressure on men to feel & act a certain way without expressing their true emotions.

Masculinity becomes toxic when it creates this barrier & makes men feel like if they do something that doesn’t fit into the version of the “ideal man”, they will be judged & ridiculed.

Men should be strong & aggressive. Men shouldn’t cry. Men can’t express their femininity. These ways of thinking are both outdated & harsh, while also creating harmful dynamics for both men & women.

Pursuit Of Power & Pride

In the past, the focus of the family dynamic was very patriarchal. Men had to be the sole providers for their family - the “strong” one.

While gender equality has made progress to correct this old-fashioned way of thinking, these ideas still exist in society in more subtle ways.

Toxic masculinity discourages men from getting mental health treatment, arguing that having any psychological problems is a sign of weakness.

Men then end up suppressing their feelings but when these emotions aren’t dealt with properly, it can sadly lead to someone taking their own life.

Paddy's Perspective

There are countless male celebrities that have opened up & spoken out about the importance of mental health, like Pete Davidson, Chance The Rapper, Kendrick Lamar, Ryan Reynolds, & Logic.

One strong moment worth mentioning happened with British MMA fighter Paddy Pimblett. Back in July, after winning his fight at UFC London, Pimblett dedicated the win to his friend Ricky who sadly took his life shortly before the event.

Pimblett used his win to keep raising awareness on such an important topic. He also wasn’t afraid of being vulnerable & honest with tears in his eyes, in a sport that is highly masculine & aggressive.

It's Time To Start Talking...

November is Men’s Health Awareness Month & International Men’s Day falls on 19th November. The focus of this month is to bring awareness to a wide range of men’s health issues.

Evidence shows that men are more afraid to reach out for help when they’re struggling. Mental health issues are as real & valid as physical ones. It takes strength to seek professional help.

And the more we talk about these topics, the less alone people will feel. Stopping the stigma around mental health is what we need to do to reduce the amount of suicides taking place globally, for women AND men.

If You Need Mental Health Support, Please Reach Out To The Following:

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